Archived Event

Twenty Five Technologies to Watch and How

Date : Jan 31, 2008
Start Time : 11 a.m. Eastern
Length : 01:00:00

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Can our libraries be more open? Can we be more open to our users, our communities, to new technologies? Can we be more open to change? How? Are there technologies that we should be trying and piloting to see if they improve the library's mandate? Which ones are worth investigating? What are the emerging learning technologies? Are there different ways to build community or to attract new community segments? What about books, book clubs and recommending recreational reading? What about some of our other entertainment missions such as video and gaming? Stephen Abram is an inveterate library watcher and strategic technology reviewer. in this session he shares the top 25 technologies that we should think about 'playing' with and finding a way to make our libraries more open to our learning communities and neighborhoods. He'll end with five suggestions to have fun with change and technology adoption.

Stephen Abram ?VP of Innovation, SirsiDynix

Stephen Abram, MLS, is President 2008 of SLA and the past-President of the Canadian and Ontario Library Associations. He is Vice President Innovation for SirsiDynix and Chief Strategist for the SirsiDynix Institute. Stephen was listed by Library Journal as one of the top 50 people influencing the future of libraries. He has received numerous honours and speaks regularly internationally. His columns appear in Information Outlook and Multimedia and Internet @ Schools, and SirsiDynix OneSource and he is the author of ALA Editions bestselling' Out Front with Stephen Abram.