Archived Event

Developing the 21st Century Knowledge Enterprise

Date : May 21, 2003
Start Time : 12 p.m. Eastern
Length : 00:57:39

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The new Knowledge Enterprise addresses how to assimilate, develop, manage, and deliver new types of content using technologically enhanced educational methodologies and curricula. It more closely integrates the various academic, library, and administrative functions of the campus, maintains and transfers institutional knowledge assets within the campus, and delivers customized student services to new, expanded user communities. The Knowledge Enterprise addresses the increasingly interconnected functions of libraries, digital libraries, e-learning, content management, portals, administrative computing, and network infrastructure. Beyond the demands entailed in the making of a digital campus IT architecture, the true Knowledge Enterprise will have to address organizational, teaching, community development, and enterprise-wide knowledge management issues.

Art Pasquinelli ?Sun Microsystems

Art Pasquinelli is the team leader for the Knowledge Enterprise in Sun's Global Education and Research organization. His duties include setting and implementing Sun's global Higher Education strategies in the areas of portals, content management, infrastructure development, administrative computing, e-learning, libraries, and digital libraries. His team is also responsible for relationship development with strategic, vertical solution partners in the education market. Art is currently on the board of the Java Administration Special Interest Group (JA-SIG), and his team is responsible for Sun's activities with the American Library Association, IFLA, ISTEC, Internet 2, and other organizations.