Archived Event

Information Darwinianism

Date : May 10, 2005
Start Time : 12 p.m. Eastern
Length : 00:56:02

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The need for quick, high-quality information is greater than ever. That evolving need presents a tremendous opportunity for libraries. Using a comprehensive, well-thought-out approach, libraries can anticipate the challenges of the next few years and actually thrive.

Veteran library consultants Lou Wetherbee and Richard Wayne will guide you through the key twelve elements that you need to be aware of and embrace in order to thrive. They will also provide you with resources to learn more about this critical topic. Don’t let your library become a dinosaur!

Richard Wayne —Strategic Information Management Services

Richard Wayne is the assistant director of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Library. He is also the principal of Strategic Information Management Services, a library consulting firm based in DeSoto, TX. He has a 25-year record of successful leadership and management in information technology and holds an MBA, with honors, with a concentration in Information Systems. Richard’s career has focused primarily on library automation technology.

Lou Wetherbee —Lou Wetherbee and Associates

Lou Wetherbee is a library consultant based in Dallas, TX, and has extensive experience in academic and public libraries, library networks, and the nonprofit sector. She is an expert on the organizational implications of emerging technologies for libraries and specializes in the re-design of library services in the electronic environment. Lou has assisted numerous client organizations to devise innovative strategies and practical solutions to address uncommon challenges. She is a frequent seminar and conference speaker in the area of emerging technologies, library resource sharing, and library leadership development.